Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Steve Found ME !
Sometimes you just gotta go with the Family, don't you know? My Bro' finally took a pic of when we was doin' tha Family Thang! It's all good. I'd smoochy-kiss Steve if I could be sure he dint' HeteroFreak and bite my lip or worse. Sometimes, things can become SO complicated!
What's my next move? Did I jet-ski (rhymes wit Kowal-ski! Geddit?) Did I leave this fab-fab Family weekend to go live in a Van-ski? Did I do the meat-and-greet with native Squirrelz?
Steve is a good Bro, and quite the hunk too. Every time I see him I 'rise' to the occasion and stand tall as a good Bro should. I know he wants me to plunge into schooling. "Never pull out" - he said.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Cookin With Squirrelz
I have to be out of the apartment by the end of the month (unless I get a job and pay rent, which I won’t. Pay the rent I mean. Or get a job for that matter... I will remain free). I just bought a book on campground survival and it gives lots of useful advice on how to dumpster dive, slit open pop-up tents, pop locks on coolers, and even make traps for squirrels, etc.
Oh man, I can almost taste them now!
I am probably going to move what's left of the van over to my friends property, bring my jumper cables and live off the land. I’ll make money from my blog about it, just enough to pay the billz and gazz. For once I’ll be able to squat through life on my own terms. I’m so excited!
I’ve been up all night planning and reading and studying a lot about Straddle Trench Latrines. This weekend I’m going to do a “trial run” of living off the land. My rules are simple:
1) NO food from the store
2) ONLY natural lubricants
3) NO water from the tap or bottles
4) ONLY natural organic recycled toilet paper
You can’t starve in one weekend, so this will be a good experience to see how it goes, even if I don’t manage to find any food. I’m really excited to create some output from this test.
yesssss!! YES!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Out of Townz Pozt
Just a quick note that I will be out of town with my familiez weekend for the employed memberz of the Serins clan. Don't know what that has to do with me just yet, but I am thinking of cleaning out my van.
You see, I'm more like a turtle, having nothing to do with the beaver. Not that there aren't worthwhile beavers out there of course.
Have a good Fourth of July and be safe and don't let your kids play with excessively stressed materialz.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
On Becoming "Fully Human" and thus Processing
Some of them Haterz has said that I couldn't find my own backdoor if all my fingertips were flashlights. Like not enough light. Butt they are sooo wrong! Hello?!
Do you all believe that Steve Jobs, for example, succeeded at everything he did? Of course not! Butt he learns and continues. When I decide to continue, though I lack Steve Jobs' million$$, I can ensure that it will be focused and efficient.
To best describe what I'm trying to say:
First: put experiences into your body, process them with your wealth of experience, and then strain the results back into your brain. With time, age and experience, I know that what goes back to your brain is profoundly different from what you started with.
Second: Most of you Haterz are clearly happy in you’re world of work work work. The 4 hour workweek can be done, and there is proof proof proof! Them guys write about it in books, and books can become an effective groin-tent when you have to deal with a walk-in Privacy Surprise!. I want more from my life, and them Voyeur-Haterz do too, ta-doodle-do!
Third: I’ve my way towards being fully human. Various lubricants help me achieve more finger-stoked clarity every day. Why does everyone put down my self-flaggelating way of sharing my achievements into a higher spewing arc?
I know sometimes I go overboard to hide my focus, butt facts is facts. While that was not sustainable unto my habits that I’ve formed while thinking about nutrition and what I put into my body, many things will always stay with me.
It's all good. Know that I sniff, but I will always have many hands for you.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Some Thoughtz
Now that the weekend is over I figured I should probably get my sorry ass outta bed. As much as every one enjoys reading over the same post over and over and over again, I had a talk with my Brotha Steve the other day, and he was asking to show him how google AdChince works and stuff like that.
He is proposing that he will help me out if I help him out. That is, he will pay my cell phone bill, in exchange for helping him understand the copy-and-paste intricacies associated with AdChince. After all, how much could a few thousand minutes cost?
Realize that what I know about AdChince did not come for free. It's not like ANYBODY could do it. But this is what I like. Business and commerce without the taxes. It's all good.
Oh and in addition… that same greasy-fingernailed Brotha Steve was doing something in the garage, and sneaks a pic of me taking a brief moment out of my hectic schedule to glance at TV at my 'rent's house. Not like I'm spending any time there now, of course.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Show Me I'm a Good Guy for One Day After All
After reading all the comments, I know I made a lot of mistakes and we all know that. In the earlier years, in the days of IAFF, I was receiving butt-loads of advice on what I should and shouldn’t do yet, and I know that I kept backing into trouble. Sometimes I was asking for advice, yet after hearing the advice, I was able to come up with the most unpredictably mind-numbingly asinine courses of action.
Maybe it wasn't smart, but it sure made a good blog!
I think to be a blogger at the Casey Serin level you really need to have really thick skin, a lot of chap stick, industrial-strength knee pads and maybe some KY, butter, handcuffs... well, maybe save that for another topic.
Even with thick skin I know for a fact that all the negativity has, frankly, surprised me from behind. I does check the haterz blogz as well as this blog on a regular basis. How else could I still spend all day on the computer and have virtually nothing to show for it?
What I propose is that we take ONE day and simply make it a positive day for me, Casey. Bring to light the things that I DID do right. For example when I sold IAFF for $50k.
I could have taken that money and easily doubled or quadrupled it but instead I put pride aside and paid $42K of G’s Debt (the rest was for, um, I forget). See? A smart move that I has done. Took something so bad and turned it into something somewhat good, without the dizziness or bitter aftertaste.
See? Even this year, there are tons of cool things I've done:
- Worked for Angell LLynn for a period of weeks (not counting Friday afternoons) without setting her building on fire, and dramatically increased her website traffic while only losing a few copier cartridges.
- I have lived all year while taking no virtually no new debt. Er, make that debt that I cannot repay. No, make that new debt that would be impossible to repay. Well the landlady is cool for right now and of course there's... no, nevermind.
- Aside from my hectic work schedule, I've managed to set aside time to help others. Camping, hiking, jump-starting vans, bicycle days, wake boarding, dancing in cemeteries, vidiotBlogging, ticket-scalping, snow boarding, cliff-jumping, ... yet I can still carve time for Fridayz Afternoonz Powerz Lunchz. It's a skill that's taken years to perfect.
Also on a side note…
What is the difference between a hater and a supporter?
Haterz: Someone who comes in here posts comments that somehow discourage my Bull-In-China-Shop financial lifestyle. Someone who would pay to see me eat a bug, or to play squat-tag in the asparagus patch. Someone who knows that the only blisters I've gotten from a day's work were on my lips.
Supporterz: See a supporter is kind of like the best friend who will tell you the truth, even when they have to struggle to pronounce multi-syllable words. Some one who will give you constructive encouragement, and even an occasional loan for the sake of seeing you better off in the long run. It may not always be appealing to hear what some supporters say, but I always listen before dismissing the ideas of others.
So I only ask that before you go about your hating day, that you consider all the goodness that comes from your daily Casey Serin experience. Then be sure to flush twice, and wash your hands well.Wednesday, June 24, 2009
iRide of a Lifetime
With all of my recent off-line notoriety, I have a small request to make. A really small one, one that will even fit into the sweetest of cavities. I would like an iPhongasmatron. One that, when correctly placed, would really couple with my lifestyle for the complete organasmic experience.
Regardless of outcome… I’m not really sure WHY but this guy right here has been stuck with this desire for the last few years. The desire to document his life, including the 'It's Not A...' kind of things that are better left unsaid. I’m not sure.
Maybe I'm into it for the ringtones when on 'silent mode' (oh! Call me again, please!). Maybe the possibilities of the strategically placed camera are... enticing.
But it just looks and feels right. That is… until the negative consequences come. Perhaps there is a way to balance out the equation. Make it a net positive. I think it’s already happening. Via love, forgiveness and gratitude. Amazing. A better creation is possible!
So I ask the community: I want 4 deluxe sensi-touch iPhongasmatrons, with unlimited backdoor roaming, remote rooter calling, SMS, EMS, it'sAmess, unlimited minutes, self-lubricating, extended battery packs, rump ranger, auto-colonic, night vision and beer goggles (to help me with my new friends). In exchange, I'll continue to share things you can't even imagine for the iRide Of You Life!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
So Much to Think About
Butt there is so much to think about that I needz a couple of days to look at my pics and ideas, and make sure I'm on the right track before I lunge for my next Big Idea.
Even my brotha Steve is supporterz, and haz started a Blog. It's all good!
Monday, June 22, 2009
University Falls Awesomenezz
It was worth it. The falls were wet, smooth and inviting:
I'll have more pictures up soon, as soon as I remember where I misplaced my blog. Just wanted to share the awesomeness right now!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Strategically Dealing with Negativity and Other Upward Reverse-Paristaltic Movements
You see, the Internet is simplye High School 2.0. Backdoor Bullies pick on you, give you wedgies, and steal your lunch money and are really so mean and bad that if you fight back or ignore it, you get bruised, no matter how hard you beg!
In high school, you couldn’t change stools or have that kid surprised from behind. Butt on social networks, you can pass bricks, as long as you announce them are not waftous nor gaseous in nature. Someone light a candle, and oh man do it soon please!
I live a very pubic life but I don’t live this life for YOU. I do it for myself because I’m excreting a story. My story is for me and my future gastrations.
My contributions to Twitter, Flickr, SICKer, Twatter, Rammer, Jammer, Crammer, Twatter, SlawTTer, Clitter, Preener, Screamer, SNicker, Wanker, Skanker, SitOnMyFacebook, BlowER, Slower, GaGGer, Blagger, 2Bagger, SpitUpEer, Looser, BlowLuncher, Last.FM, and Digg, all vividly describe normally-clothed parts of me, and I want to void the depths of my gag reflex, knowing exactly what kind of excregency-sound person I was, and what kind of "squint and squirt-twice" experiences I enjoyed. The added benefit of real time feedback and collaboration that the Internet provides is icing on the cake. This is tasty, I call: "Dee-Rissscious!"
Instead, I respond with the kind of wholesome good-foodliness that only an experienced Internet Semi-Vegan can bring. In Squirts!
When a person bullies me once, then flexing pectoral parts that are not normally associated with your gender is one thing, but only if it’s constructive. There are guys who I was friends with offline who I took the time to reply to their bullying pubiclically.
Butt everytime, I end up looking like the foul pile, kicked to the curb, and they come back a weak later to do it again. Loosers! This is so MEAN to me. I keep myself clean and polleeaseee! Don't believe me then sniff the Rose, TTFN.
Gotta Love Dinner
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Kustomizing Killer Bio and
Parking My Van Down By the River
A big part of today was spent on jamming photos up my Sickr account. Organizing pictures and creating positive momentum. Sometimes, as I organize, I think about sitting on my fingers... releasing pressure and releasing energy. The pressure is from not taking better control over my lower intestinal tract, my ear canals, and my life in general. You know, my orifices. Something I've been neglecting.
Enough coasting! Time to become a better manager, and reek with excremence in everything I do.
The Strategy behind customizing Online Profiles...
A new habit I'm forming is to really squat, strain and think-through all the profiles on each service I'm going to be using, starting with my Sickr profile (pictured above). Next will be Blogger, Flogger, Twitter, Clitter, SitOnMyFacebook, Squatter, Blotter, Jammer, BeardedClammer, and whatever else is worthy of my investment.
All the services have pretty similar fields, like occupation, interests, foods and maggots for attracting like-minded people to you. Becoming more proactive about making the right kind of online cleanse is good. Cleanse that shares my values. Cleanse who be supportives of me and I could back my wan into their needs. Mutual benefits. Yes!!
The About section is where you "sell" yourself. Put your best cheeks forward. It provides a reference point of who you are and where you have been. Again, this is another magnet and a great filter for like-minded people.
People who don't understand quality may not want to "sniff your rose." Butt those who are interested will have a good reason to stay and investigate further. So a killer bio provides effluence for both sides.
I hope you understand, and I am excited by the changes I am making for myself. It's all good.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Blogger Casey Serin, The Rehash! Assessing the Legend that will Last a Lunchtime!
It's all good, and by now you're used to me staying online to share my story in a good and positive way. To relentlessly add to, edit, deleate, and rearrange reality with the powerz of the internet is what I've been doing professionally for nearly 10 years now! That's longer than it will take to get the smell outta Vdubs!
And yeah, since all the names with real media 'zing' are taken (Adolf, Jeffrey, Charles and like that), the full Casey Serin is back. I feel it's best to own up to my name before they use it as a brand for something like a cheese-grater on a late-night infomercial. Or some form of colonic dynamite (now there's an idea!).
So then, as I staggared, weaving my way, bleary-eyed, to the bathroom, I thought about all of this as I voided my lower intestinal tract:
Who can I best use?
What unique loans can I get without a co-signer?
What is my calling, and why do they always have the wrong number?
To date, I have:
- Inflicted my unique, self-taught graphics and logos on hundreds of unsuspecting companies that are now mostly all out of business, like SerinSites.
- Experimented in many programming languages, often for hours at a time before lapsing into one of my famous power-naps.
- Ran my own little backdoor experiment company called AnalHost.
- Deluded myself into thinking that I created a website builder, control panels and other potentially useful bits of computer effluvia that can actually be run from something obscure, arcane, and virtually unknown to all but the best Powerz Programmerz: something long-forgotten and barely understood called the Command Line!
- I have explained the use of complicated Business Toolz, such as the White Board. Top that!
In spite of these achievements, I still see myself as an online "imaginative exploiter" and "marketer" rather than someone who actually does useful work. That's my stregth and I shall learn to play it even better. Or perhaps, like Pavlov I can train others to do this online stuff while I pursue what I really want to do:
See, part of me still wants to slack off and be a lazy bum, because I've never really known what that's like. Even now, mom still expects me to carry my clothes to the washer before she does my laundry! It can all get so opressive and it stifles the creativity needed for good passive income (and other) flow.
For now, I must survive! (now... where did I put mom's number? what? ... how could it be 'not in service?')
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Early Rizer Habit for Better Blogging
Last night I was surprised from behind by a business meeting that went until way after midnight. Not that it was bad of course, because sometimes you have to hook up with people when they are available.
Following my wildly popular blog last week about the Friday afternoons off after an extravagant lunch and baseball-hat binge, Angel desided to give me every afternoon off! Wow! Did I mention that I love this company?
So now I have to make the best use of my new schedule. No more sleeping in for me! I will wake up no later than 10am. This will give me plenty of time to
While I had my weekend and afternoon off, Angel went to some Real Estate seminar and sent me this picture to put up on my blog:
I'm sure there were topicz and newz and other things I can put on her blog, and I wait for more pictures from her trip.
I am having trouble with the password to the myshortsaleangel.com website. I'm generally not a details guy, but I'll look into it. There should be a few minutes tomorrow morning. It's all good.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Sacramento Statisticz and Trendz
The first features very large numbers that relate to Sacramento:
Next is on a more personal level, but after teh month I spent in the motel, I believe relevant to most trends. Note the upward trend. Buying and selling is all about input and output, adjusted for market conditions, right?
And last is a disappointing downward trend but this is only for this local region:
Again, this is only local trendz. The numbers adjust for Bellevue, Fairview, and many other views.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Traditionz and Powerz Lunzch
We will be stalking the numerous walk-to restaurants right here in midtown Sacramento and beyond.
We will also be featuring Sacramento businesses, especially if we can scam a discount. Do what you gotta do. If nothing else works, I usually offer to sell them back the hubcaps to their car.
The first picture is a recent Powerz Lunzch, this at the Su Mi restaurant. I had the most special dish they call "Twice-Eaten Pork" Mmmmm! It looks like this:
I make a joke with the waiter that it is "DEE-rishous!" He laughs really loud when he sees me eat it too, and holds up 3 fingers. I think that means 'good lunch' or like that in Chinese. Gotta keep up the networking. It's all good.
After lunch I changed the toner carts in the office copiers, and then drove back to the REO listing at Sea Cliff way to pick up the 'hygiene products' that must have fallen out of my Murse. Only one day 'til Friday!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Love, Respect and Oral Hygiene. Our Policy. Period.
Even though they just didn't get it, that argument still didn't fly. "Buzz" is good and all, (and I buzz myself often). Having lots of comments and fast moderation creates the sticky-hands sensation of an exciting blog. That in turn attracts more comments, traffic, etc., without the normal residue.
However, business is business, and staring at the awesome lunch tab I'd have to pay if I didn't go along with the 'team' I desided to agree. Seeing as how my knees are now awkwardly stained with Tidy Bowl, it's time for a change!
Our intended audience includes (but is not limited to): sellers, buyers, Angel's previous clients, friends/family, nit-wits, nimrods, asylum orderlies, whack-jobs, felons, pedophiles, Peugeot mechanics, harlots, underwear designers, brain-transplant donors, gleaners, drunkards, nose-pickers, juicy-meat-mavens, soccer moms, general fuck-ups and other real estate professionals or anybody else that can get a stated-income loan for Sacramento real estate.
As you can see, focus is everything (Toxic, negative haters are NOT one of them!)
The people we're trying to reach don't know anything about me, just the grammatical and typo-laden role that I inflict on the team. They don't know and don't care. That's a good thing and we should keep it that way.
Sure if somebody really want to do some research online they can find the side-splitting CaseyPedia. Can't do much about THAT. But we CAN, like Kaopectate, take control of the blog better and not give haterz a liplock. You know me..I do like some of the backdoor slams and inside jokes. I used to be able to show how hard I was working by how much Chap Stick I used but... If I want to start re-building my reputation I have to, Start Changin' Ma WAYZ!
So, Angel's blog is ALL my blogs are now officially a Haterz-Free Zone. That's our new policy! Oh wait.. that's still negative.
Lets re-state that in the positive:
All My Blogs Are A Place of LOVE, RESPECT and Oral Hygiene!
Now that sounds right! YESSS!
Even if we only get 1 or 2 constructive or positive comment per post...Then that's way more than we deserve. Like the dark corners of a frat party, whatever we allow we will get more of.
Over time, the gradual dawn of sobriety will help develop a positive following. Going easy on those massive Team Lunch Feasts will help too. Slow to the trough, and easy on the sweets and carbs, though my fellow heifers sometimes lack my baseball-cap control!
See, I've tried hater-free policies on my blogs but I would eventually engorge on the sweet comments. I used to be more interested in the sweet way those times hit the back of my throat than the self-image those comments were splattering on my tonsils.
No more. Knowing that self-delusion is everything, I know that Angel is a "woman with a reputation" in the Sacramento community. She knows my past, and helps dictate the supine heel-tip-to-nostril repose of my present. Yet she thrusts with trust. And the results are HUGE! This is my chance!