For years, I always wanted everyone to have a (hic) sense of me online. As my reputation increased, I would still respond, Pavlov-like to every hateful message. Sometimes, I would spend hours trying to prove my intentions and get them to like me. As if anybody liked me. I still think about G and her massive features. I licked those features, butt she didn't like me either.
You see, the Internet is simplye High School 2.0. Backdoor Bullies pick on you, give you wedgies, and steal your lunch money and are really so mean and bad that if you fight back or ignore it, you get bruised, no matter how hard you beg!
In high school, you couldn’t change stools or have that kid surprised from behind. Butt on social networks, you can pass bricks, as long as you announce them are not waftous nor gaseous in nature. Someone light a candle, and oh man do it soon please!
I live a very pubic life but I don’t live this life for YOU. I do it for myself because I’m excreting a story. My story is for me and my future gastrations.
My contributions to Twitter, Flickr, SICKer, Twatter, Rammer, Jammer, Crammer, Twatter, SlawTTer, Clitter, Preener, Screamer, SNicker, Wanker, Skanker, SitOnMyFacebook, BlowER, Slower, GaGGer, Blagger, 2Bagger, SpitUpEer, Looser, BlowLuncher, Last.FM, and Digg, all vividly describe normally-clothed parts of me, and I want to void the depths of my gag reflex, knowing exactly what kind of excregency-sound person I was, and what kind of "squint and squirt-twice" experiences I enjoyed. The added benefit of real time feedback and collaboration that the Internet provides is icing on the cake. This is tasty, I call: "Dee-Rissscious!"
Instead, I respond with the kind of wholesome good-foodliness that only an experienced Internet Semi-Vegan can bring. In Squirts!When a person bullies me once, then flexing pectoral parts that are not normally associated with your gender is one thing, but only if it’s constructive. There are guys who I was friends with offline who I took the time to reply to their bullying pubiclically.
Butt everytime, I end up looking like the foul pile, kicked to the curb, and they come back a weak later to do it again. Loosers! This is so MEAN to me. I keep myself clean and polleeaseee! Don't believe me then sniff the Rose, TTFN.