We talked today at our team meeting about how
my our blog is going. Everyone but me feels I've been allowing way too many negative comments. You know, for the sake of "Keeping it Orgasnic".
Even though they just didn't get it, that argument still didn't fly. "Buzz" is good and all, (and I buzz myself often). Having lots of comments and fast moderation creates the sticky-hands sensation of an exciting blog. That in turn attracts more comments, traffic, etc., without the normal residue.
However, business is business, and staring at the awesome lunch tab I'd have to pay if I didn't go along with the 'team' I desided to agree. Seeing as how my knees are now awkwardly stained with Tidy Bowl, it's time for a change!
Our intended audience includes (but is not limited to): sellers, buyers, Angel's previous clients, friends/family, nit-wits, nimrods, asylum orderlies, whack-jobs, felons, pedophiles, Peugeot mechanics, harlots, underwear designers, brain-transplant donors, gleaners, drunkards, nose-pickers, juicy-meat-mavens, soccer moms, general fuck-ups and other real estate professionals or anybody else that can get a stated-income loan for Sacramento real estate. As you can see, focus is everything (Toxic, negative haters are NOT one of them!)
The people we're trying to reach don't know anything about me, just the grammatical and typo-laden role that I inflict on the team. They don't know and don't care. That's a good thing and we should keep it that way.
Sure if somebody really want to do some research online they can find the side-splitting
CaseyPedia. Can't do much about THAT. But we CAN, like Kaopectate, take control of the blog better and not give haterz a liplock. You know me..I do like some of the backdoor slams and inside jokes. I used to be able to show how hard I was working by how much Chap Stick I used but... If I want to start re-building my reputation I have to, Start Changin' Ma WAYZ!
So, Angel's blog is ALL my blogs are now officially a Haterz-Free Zone. That's our new policy! Oh wait.. that's still negative.
Lets re-state that in the positive:
All My Blogs Are A Place of LOVE, RESPECT and Oral Hygiene! Now that sounds right! YESSS!
Even if we only get 1 or 2 constructive or positive comment per post...Then that's way more than we deserve. Like the dark corners of a frat party, whatever we allow we will get more of.
Over time, the gradual dawn of sobriety will help develop a positive following. Going easy on those massive Team Lunch Feasts will help too. Slow to the trough, and easy on the sweets and carbs, though my fellow heifers sometimes lack my baseball-cap control!
See, I've tried hater-free policies on my blogs but I would eventually engorge on the sweet comments. I used to be more interested in the sweet way those times hit the back of my throat than the self-image those comments were splattering on my tonsils.
No more. Knowing that self-delusion is everything, I know that Angel is a "woman with a reputation" in the Sacramento community. She knows my past, and helps dictate the supine heel-tip-to-nostril repose of my present. Yet she thrusts with trust. And the results are HUGE! This is my chance!