After reading all the comments, I know I made a lot of mistakes and we all know that. In the earlier years, in the days of IAFF, I was receiving butt-loads of advice on what I should and shouldn’t do yet, and I know that I kept backing into trouble. Sometimes I was asking for advice, yet after hearing the advice, I was able to come up with the most unpredictably mind-numbingly asinine courses of action.
Maybe it wasn't smart, but it sure made a good blog!
I think to be a blogger at the
Casey Serin level you really need to have really thick skin, a lot of chap stick, industrial-strength knee pads and maybe some KY, butter, handcuffs... well, maybe save that for another topic.
Even with thick skin I know for a fact that all the negativity has, frankly, surprised me from behind. I does check the haterz blogz as well as this blog on a regular basis. How else could I still spend all day on the computer and have virtually nothing to show for it?
What I propose is that we take ONE day and simply make it a
positive day for me, Casey. Bring to light the things that
I DID do right. For example when I sold IAFF for $50k.
I could have taken that money and easily doubled or quadrupled it but instead I put pride aside and paid $42K of G’s Debt (the rest was for, um, I forget). See? A smart move that I has done. Took something so bad and turned it into something somewhat good, without the dizziness or bitter aftertaste.
See? Even this year, there are tons of cool things I've done:
- Worked for Angell LLynn for a period of weeks (not counting Friday afternoons) without setting her building on fire, and dramatically increased her website traffic while only losing a few copier cartridges.
- I have lived all year while taking no virtually no new debt. Er, make that debt that I cannot repay. No, make that new debt that would be impossible to repay. Well the landlady is cool for right now and of course there's... no, nevermind.
- Aside from my hectic work schedule, I've managed to set aside time to help others. Camping, hiking, jump-starting vans, bicycle days, wake boarding, dancing in cemeteries, vidiotBlogging, ticket-scalping, snow boarding, cliff-jumping, ... yet I can still carve time for Fridayz Afternoonz Powerz Lunchz. It's a skill that's taken years to perfect.
Also on a side note…
What is the difference between a hater and a supporter?
Haterz: Someone who comes in here posts comments that somehow discourage my Bull-In-China-Shop financial lifestyle. Someone who would pay to see me eat a bug, or to play squat-tag in the asparagus patch. Someone who knows that the only blisters I've gotten from a day's work were on my lips.
Supporterz: See a supporter is kind of like the best friend who will tell you the truth, even when they have to struggle to pronounce multi-syllable words. Some one who will give you constructive encouragement, and even an occasional loan for the sake of seeing you better off in the long run. It may not always be appealing to hear what some supporters say, but I always listen before dismissing the ideas of others.
So I only ask that before you go about your hating day, that you consider all the goodness that comes from your daily Casey Serin experience. Then be sure to flush twice, and wash your hands well.